The Experimental and Research Soliris Laboratory - Practice
The Experimental and Research Soliris Laboratory
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SOLIRIS Laboratory has started the implementation of the project of the Psychological Emergency called in Latin Ψ-REANIMATIO. The strategic goal of this project is to develop a mobile module (Ψ-Reanimatio Ambulance) which could enable recovering of the adaptive forces of personality's psychic structures. The module could be a basic hardware for psychological emergency mobile units.

The technical implementation of the project Ψ-REANIMATIO is unique. It will combine in one set the existing inventions and devices developed by Irina N. Shvanyova, Doctor of Psychological Science and Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, selected by the American Biographical Institute Woman of the Year 2003 and included by the Cambridge International Biographical Centre in the reference edition 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century.

Highly qualified specialists in different fields of science and technology (medicine, acoustics, information science, medical equipment) and special equipments shall be required to implement the project and create an operational model of the psychological reanimation module.

Concept of Ψ-REANIMATIO Psychological Emergency

Nowadays, man is socially and emotionally involved in the non-stable economic, political and psychological environment. This is due to modern age challenges when man is under a growing influence of information and communication processes and is exposed to unpardonable intrusions into his personal semantic field. The human psyche is being affected by mass media, cinema, I-net, computer games etc. As a rule, such an extreme exposure results in cruelty and escapism, growing fear, uncertainty and stimulates asthenical (negative) emotions which leads to stress, a temporary disorder of psychic state.

The information overcharge provokes information stress, and threatening or dangerous situations leads to emotional stress. Since man reacts not only to a real danger but also to a dangers' image or a reminder of danger, the information stress transforms into emotional stress. The latter manifests itself by changes of the state of consciousness (disturbed perception of reality), by shift in emotional perception, by memory disorders and disturbed behavior and activity.

As the stress effect has a cumulative character (summing up of negative effect), there occurs in the psycho-physiological structures of personality a kind of accumulation of the information toxin up to a critical value. Once the threshold is exceeded, there develop destructive, sometimes irreversible, psychological and psycho-physiological processes. This is due to the fact that stress provokes the excessive use of man's psycho-physiological adaptive resources which are designed for a useful and steady functioning. If the stress situation persists, there occurs nervous exhaustion which leads to loss of capacity for work, bad health, and even to death.

The altered state of consciousness generated by stress stimulates regression processes as a form of escapism, and the personality returns to a previous stage of its evolution. This can be explained by the fact that the basic tendencies of psychic evolution manifest themselves in the motion from the casual and impulsive behavior, to the intentional behavior, the ability to control one's behavior, fix objectives, find ways of their attainment and overcome a hardship. The regressive form of behavior, that is, a more primitive form of thinking and action, means the personality degradation, psychological and social desadaptation. Thus, stress and its effects cause damage to society by excluding from its activity wholesome individuals, creative professionals and healthy citizens.

Our long-term research work and practical study of the personality evolution process authorizes us to assert that the psychic evolution of every personality passes through the sensitive (favorable) and crisis periods. Man tends to get stressed just during the crisis periods (crisis of childhood, youth, becoming adult, maturity, life purpose and crisis of old age), when his psychic state is not stable. Post-stress symptoms develop immediately or much later depending on the genotype, the individual features of the nervous system. Timely provided psychological assistance prevents such negative stress effects as inadequate behavior, disturbed attention and vegetative system reactions.

Hence, today man extremely needs a timely provided psychological emergency to prevent developing of negative effects of stress. Similarly to the medical emergency, the psychological emergency could provide help at home or to travelers while the psychic health is at risk. The psychological emergency service should be provided with a mobile set of equipment which could enable stopping of stress symptoms and recovering of the normal psycho-physiological state.

The above stress problems can be settled by the method which excludes use of medicines that roughly impose to psycho-physiological structures a model of emotional state and behavior, since the medication can be applied only to treat psychic diseases. A huge number of psychically normal people need to get the psychological emergency services during the crisis periods of personality evolution when the psycho-physiological changes do not coincide with the behavior model, and for that reason the personality needs are not satisfied.

We strongly believe that the personality structures should be given the possibility to find independently a way to the optimum level of functioning in compliance with the individual evolutional and genetic program. Such a possibility can be provided by our method that allows recovering of human psychogenetic adaptive resources with the help of the quasi-acoustic bio-resonant oscillator which makes the psycho-physiological system recall its true functioning. Our approach is integral and involves all human senses by using visualized images, acoustic, tactile, odor and homeopathic factors.

The following basic elements shall be used to implement the Ψ-Reanimatio project: the unique method of Express Psycho-Diagnostics (patent UA 4398A dated 17.12.2001); the method of the individual image-associated psycho-correction of personality; the bio-resonant devices for psycho-correction of personality (Compensatory Applicator, patent #UA 346724-02 dated 15.09.2002, and Harmonizer, patent #UA 134124-02 dated 25.12.1996); the integrated methods of the individual and group psycho-correction which combine verbal and non-verbal (symbol, image, color, sound, form and odor) and image-associated ways of psychological treatment (Metamorphosis method, patent ПА #1284 dated 20.07.1998); the psychological models developed by Irina N. Shvanyova: the periodical systematization of psychological morphology structures, the integrative theory of personality, the model of evolutionary personality, the integrative period-structuring system of personality evolution, the model of psychological emergency, the model of psychological stability of personality, threshold levels of stress and syndromes of psychological states, the receptive psychological assistance to individuals under stress.

The implementation of the project shall result in creation of Ψ-reanimatio ambulance equipped with a module, externally similar to a pressure chamber, which generates acoustic, color, aroma, temperature and vibration impulses necessary to treat the patient inside it. The process shall be controlled by computer on the feedback basis. This module shall be the basic element of the psychological reanimation ambulance vehicle.

Thus, for the first time in the history of psychological assistance we are talking not simply of the psychological correction but literally of the reanimation, return to life, of all the psychic structures of personality by using the latest scientific developments and technologies. The project has been approved by the Joint Council of Experts of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

The above data reflect the results of scientific research and practical study performed by Irina Shvanyova at the Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences from 1998 through 2004. The methods developed by I. Shvanyova are applied by practical psychologists in Russia and abroad.

I.Shvanyova, the author of the project, and her colleagues have been performing research and implementation of ideas using their personal money. The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences is a public organization that supports new ideas in the scientific community, but does not finance projects. We have founded the SOLIRIS Laboratory non-commercial partnership also with the aim to have the possibility to independently develop and implement the Ψ-reanimatio project. At present, we need to raise money to engage experts for additional work, purchase necessary equipment and technically implement the project.

Any financial or other assistance to the project shall be appreciated and considered by scientific community as a contribution to the development of psychological science for the welfare of all nations.

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